Live In Motion

Movement & Wellness Collective

"Live In Motion" embodies a social performance lifestyle brand, defining itself through a comprehensive approach to movement and wellness. Our brand seamlessly integrates physical activity, social engagement, and holistic well-being, fostering a lifestyle that champions dynamic living. Embracing the ethos of continual motion, we inspire individuals to harmonize their daily lives with vitality, connectivity, and a commitment to overall wellness…

Meet Our Founder

My name is Emeril McCutcheon. I am a certified performance trainer with a passion for sports and movement deeply rooted in my extensive sports background.

I specialize in mobility training and movement integration. working with athletes of all levels, guiding them towards peak performance.

Beyond the training arena, I'm dedicated to giving back, regularly volunteering in my community to promote health, fitness, and overall well-being. Join me on this journey to unlock your full potential and embrace the joy of movement.